A Texas bill establishing a $100 fine for male masturbation is one step closer to getting off the ground.
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House Bill 4620, dubbed the “Men’s Right to Know Act,” will be taken up by the State Affairs Committee in the Texas House of Representatives, the Houston Chronicle reports.
Democratic state Rep. Jessica Farrar of Houston introduced the legislation in March to mock restrictions on women’s access to abortion and other health procedures.
By focusing on male masturbation, the proposed legislation is an obvious attempt to satirize and draw attention to the unreasonable and dangerous policy proposals concerning women’s reproductive freedom coming from the Republican Party.
Commenting on her bill, Rep. Farrar told mysanantonio.com:
A lot of people find the bill funny. What’s not funny are the obstacles that Texas women face every day, that were placed there by legislatures making it very difficult for them to access healthcare.
Masturbation would be “considered an act against an unborn child” that “fail[s] to preserve the sanctity of life.” Semen would be stored in medical facilities and saved “for the purposes of conception for a current or future wife.”
Another provision in the bill would create an informational packet called “A Man’s Right to Know,” similar to a current proposal requiring doctors provide women seeking abortions with a pamphlet called “A Woman’s Right To Know.” The male version of the booklet would include information “related to the benefits and concerns of a man seeking a vasectomy, Viagra prescription, or a colonoscopy” and must “include artistic illustrations of each procedure.”
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