A Small Georgia Town Is Having A Meltdown After Video Goes Viral Of A Dude Drinking A Margarita Out Of A Girl’s Ass At Local Mexican Restaurant
Watch Black dude talking nonsense about it in a longer but shitty video on FB… Skip to 50 seconds
That’s not how you drink that…
There are a couple of things that I love. The first is small-town Mexican restaurants. Back in the small town where I’m from in West Virginia, I’ve been going to the same Mexican restaurant for as long as I can remember. When I was in college they had $1.50 margaritas on Tuesday, and I spent more nights than I can remember getting absolutely obliterated for $12.
And another thing I love is small-town Facebook drama. Something happens that sends shockwaves through the entire town, and then you have every Betty and Karen up in arms on the town’s Facebook page, organizing boycotts and crying about how much worse things are now than they were back in their day. It’s so much fun to watch.
So when this story popped up combining two things I love, I was hooked – despite the fact that I’ve never even heard of Waycross, Georgia.
Well it turns out the small city in southeast Georgia has a Mexican restaurant in town called Rodeo, which from what I can gather is pretty popular. And judging from the video that’s going around it’s not hard to see why some people like it…
The first video, which appears to have originated on Snapchat, shows who I’m sure is a nice young lady bent over in the booth at Rodeo, with her ass fully out, as some dude sticks a funnel…well, you know where…
Buttweiser Woke Edition
And in the next video, it appears that he’s ditched the funnel, and instead pours the pitcher of margaritas directly on her ass as he puts his mouth on there to catch it.
I wonder how many of those pitchers they had already drank before they decided this was a good idea?
Now, I’m just going based on the Facebook comments here, but it sounds like the video was actually recorded a while back and is just now making its rounds. But when I tell you that the city of Waycross is SHOOK…
Let’s see what they have to say over on Facebook.
Ginny is just worried about e-coli.
And Jack believes the police should have been involved.
Jack Burgin Jr:
Rodeo Mexican Restaurant-Waycross You can try to limit comments about what happened at your restaurant. However the TRUTH is everyone that was on the clock should be fired. You manager on duty cannot say they didn’t know what was going on, and neither can the dining room staff. At minimum one employee saw what was going on. Guaranteed they told others, and others saw what was going on out of sight is the video. Rest assured no one from my family will ever stop or visit your restaurant since it is apparent this kind of conduct is allowed to happen. The police should have been called BEFORE these idiots left. Truly disgusting.
Pam isn’t a prude, but apparently drinking margaritas out of somebody’s ass in a restaurant is just a step too far.
Pam Paolantonio
Rodeo Mexican Restaurant-Waycross I have enjoyed dining in your restaurant for many years, celebrated many birthdays there. Enjoyed your margaritas.
I am far from a prude, but I have never been more disgusted in my life by the video of those people acting like animals in your restaurant. Yes I have seen the video and I know the name of the server in said video. I have also watched the quality of food and service decline over the years, with this incident being the final straw, I will be taking my business elsewhere.
adoki Davis
If you been to rodeos Mexican restaurant in Waycross,Ga and you have had pink eye you may be able to join a clA$$ action lawsuit. 😂😂
And of course, some enterprising folks are already making merch to capitalize on the viral video:
Meanwhile, the restaurant has been forced to respond to the uproar…and the comments on the post are pure gold.
They’ve been forced to limit comments on their post, and it looks like they’re deleting comments as well, but by this point the video has gone viral enough that I fear they’ve cemented their reputation as the place to butt chug margs in Waycross, Georgia.
Definitely not what you want to be known for…
Rie Rasmussen Nude Sex Scenes From “Human Zoo”

Rie Rasmussen – Real cunnilingus in ‘Human Zoo’ (2009)
Longer Version
As a pious Ba’al’s fan I have been to many human zoos throughout the civilized Jewish world, and thankfully I have never encountered a Nordic nymph getting her sin slit slobbered on like this.
Yes, human zoos are usually wholesome places where family of Ba’al fans go to spend a relaxing day the strolling the grounds… With the kids especially enjoying laughing at the she-boon Sub-Saharans shaking their asses in their cages, and the hands-on experience of feeding bits of rice to the baby Oriental Orangutan in the petting zone.