Herself Magazine/website launch with a photo exhibit by Jennifer Toole, actor Caitlin Stasey, interactive projections and more. 8-11 pm.
Art, Community Events, Books
herself.com in Vogue Italia!
Vogue.it published one of my stills from an upcoming project with Caitlin Stasey called herself.com. The website will feature nude photo series with in-depth interviews working toward building women’s collective sense of self through our brave and beautiful participants’ examples. The website will launch on Saturday January 10th with an exhibition and soirée at Clint Roenisch’s gallery in Toronto. Save the date! xo #herselfdotcom
#selfportrait for Herself.com launching on January 10th at @clintroenisch ‘s gallery. Come and see an exhibition of my photos for the project, a live interactive projection of the site and a limited edition Herself magazine. +drinks and good people 6-11pm xx Featuring @caitlinjstasey @caseycalvert @lethalladyv @raechla @soulflowerxo
And some bullshits …
Caitlin Stasey
Film director Lina Esco
Jennette McCurdyEmily Browning
Emma Watson
Jessica Biel
Eva Longoria
Mary Elizabeth Winstead